Student Feedback Question Prompts

Minute Paper

During the last few minutes of a class, students respond to the following questions:

  • What is the most important point you learn today?
  • What point remains least clear to you?

Their responses provide you with feedback about the day’s class, which can guide what you cover in the next class. Or, you can send additional resources via Canvas/email.


Ask students to label three columns on a sheet of paper – Keep, Start, and Stop.

  • Under the Keep column, students list any elements of your teaching or course structure that help their learning and they would like to see continued.
  • Under the Start column, students record any instructional practices, policies, or behaviors they would like the instructor (you) to start using in order to improve their learning.
  • Under the Stop column, students list any teaching practices, policies, or behaviors that are interfering with their learning and they would like to see ended.

Collect feedback, summarize results, and share the feedback with students in the following class. If you disagree with their suggestions, make sure to explain why you disagree. For instance, their suggestions may be impractical or contrary to your approach to teaching.

Basic Midterm Feedback Form

Ask students to respond to the two questions listed below. Collect feedback, summarize results, and share
feedback with students during the following class.

  1. List at least one thing your instructor/T.A. does to help your learning in this class.
  2. List at least one way your instructor/T.A. could improve your learning in this class.

Additional Feedback Questions

You can also add questions about particular areas of concern. Examples:

  1. Rate the difficulty of the example problems provided in class: Too complicated, Just right, or Too basic
  2. Rate the pace of class: Too fast, Just right, or Too slow
  3. What do you think about the balance between small group and large group discussion?: More small group, Just right, More large group
  4. Some instructors also gather information about their students’ motivations/study habits:
    1. What are your goals for this course?
    2. What study habits are you using for this course that are working well?
    3. List one thing you could do in order to improve your learning in this course.