Inclusive Teaching at a PWI - An Ongoing Endeavor

Inclusive Teaching at a PWI is in a blue rectangle at the top. Below are three green circles for Climate, Pedagogy, and Content. Climate: Create a welcoming learning space, given the differential experiences of students. Pedagogy: Diversify and critically assess teaching methods, learning activities, assignments. Content: Audit and diversify content, foreground BIPOC scholars.

After exploring this guide, we invite instructors to revisit our working definition of inclusive teaching at a PWI. We are most hopeful about the future of supporting the learning of BIPOC and white students by:

  • Questioning PWI foundations
  • Creating alternatives to PWI teaching practices
  • Working with rather than denying the dynamics of race and Indigeneity

Our approach is analogous to any other academic pursuit, where concepts, principles, theories, and methodologies help one navigate new research areas. Our goal has been to provide instructors with tools to teach more inclusively in the PWI context, rather than to provide “best practices.” Because inclusive teaching requires working with one’s context and shifting those dynamics we have focused on providing:

  • Definitions
  • Key ideas
  • PWI assumptions
  • Core concepts
  • Suggested teaching practices
  • References

Our vision is that inclusive teaching at a PWI is a dynamic system. So instructors need to attend to climate, pedagogy, and content in relationship to each other.

Finally, inclusive teaching is a shared goal as well as one that does not have an endpoint. One’s teaching context will always change, so one’s teaching practice will always need to adjust. We approach inclusive teaching as a scholarly as well as practical endeavor. In turn, we invite instructors to find and follow scholars in their disciplines who do this work. Learn from your colleagues who are already engaging in this work, and use a research-minded approach when applying new practices to your teaching.