University of Minnesota Research
- Walker, J. D., & Baepler, P. (2017). Measuring Social Relations in New Classroom Spaces: Development and Validation of the Social Context and Learning Environments (SCALE) Survey. Journal of Learning Spaces, 6(3): 34-41.
- Baepler, P., Walker, J.D., Brooks, D.C., Saichaie, K., & Petersen, C.I. (2016). A guide to teaching in the active learning classroom: History, Research & Practice. Stylus.
- Baepler, P., Walker, J.D. & Driessen, M. (2014). It's not about seat time: Blending, flipping, and efficiency in active learning classrooms. Computers & Education 78: 227-236.
- Baepler, P., Brooks, D.C., & Walker, J.D., Eds. (2014). Active Learning Spaces: New Directions in Teaching and Learning no. 137. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Cotner, S., Loper, J., Walker, J.D., & Brooks, D.C. (2013). ’It’s not you, it’s the room’ (Or, are the high-tech, active learning classrooms worth it?). Journal of College Science Teaching 42(6), no pagination. (Picked as Editor's Choice, Science, Vol. 341, 23 August 2013.)
- Brooks, D.C. (2012). Space and consequences: The impact of different formal learning spaces on instructor and student behavior. Journal of Learning Spaces 1:2. no pagination.
- Walker, J.D., Brooks, D.C., & Baepler, P. (2011). Pedagogy and space: Empirical research on new learning environments. EDUCAUSE Quarterly 34(4), no pagination.
- Whiteside, A.W., Brooks, D.C. & Walker, J.D. (2010). Making the case for space: Three years of empirical research on formal and informal learning environments. EDUCAUSE Quarterly 33(3).
- Brooks, D.C. (2011). Space matters: The impact of formal learning environments on student learning. British Journal of Educational Technology. 42(5), 719-726.
- To find an active learning classroom at UMTC, visit the UMTC Office of Classroom Management website and use the "filter features" dropdown option. There you will also find a brief overview of ALCs. To find an ALC at UMD, email [email protected].
- For a practical view on how to develop and implement team projects in your classroom, refer to the Faculty Guide to Team Projects.
- For help designing a course, visit CEI’s resource on Aligned Course Design.
- To see one of Minnesota's ALCs in action, view this Foundations of Biology Class Video.
- University of Minnesota ALCs were inspired by the work done at North Carolina State University and their SCALE-UP project.
- The Mosaic Initiative at Indiana University supports innovative classroom design, faculty development, and research into learning spaces.