We record most of our live webinars and make them available for enrollment through Training Hub. After enrolling in a section, you will receive an email with a link to the recording and accompanying resources. Please contact the Center for Educational Innovation ([email protected]) to discuss access needs or to request accommodations.
When you are finished reviewing the resources, you may elect to mark completion for the course on Training Hub. Your “My Training page” in Training Hub lists opportunities you are enrolled in and those you have completed.
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Design Effective Learning Experiences
- AI and ChatGPT in Your Fall Teaching
- Active Lecturing in Person or Online
- Active Lecturing video series
- Designing Engaging Media for Effective E-Learning Experiences
- Discussions That Engage All Students
- Facilitating Student Engagement in Synchronous Zoom Sessions
- Finalizing Your Learning-Centered Accessible Syllabus
- Honoring Neurodiversity: Planning for Effective Accessible Learning
- Learning Sciences Research: Well-supported & Actionable Strategies
- Making a Good First Impression: Planning a Successful First Day of Class
- Maximizing Student Learning While Minimizing Cognitive Load
- Mitigating the Mid-Semester Doldrums
- Planning Flexibility for Accessibility in your Teaching
- Presentations That Stick
- Reframing Participation
- Small Teaching Changes in Times of Burnout video series
- Strategies for Online Discussion Forums
- TA Workshop: Facilitating Synchronous Small Group Problem Solving and Labs
- TA Workshop: Facilitating Synchronous Student Discussions
- Three Ideas for Exemplary Online Teaching
- Supporting Content Delivery and Student Interactions
- Transparent Assignment Design
- Vocal Strategies to Improve Clarity in Teaching
Create Inclusive Learning Environments
- Be Present Online: Communication With Students
- Building Community and Maintaining Motivation
- Centering Access & Inclusion
- Design Teaching & Learning that Supports Student Mental Health
- Finalizing Your Learning-Centered Accessible Syllabus
- Fostering an Asset-minded and Inclusive Community
- Last Minute Syllabus Tweaks
- Recognizing and Embracing Linguistic Diversity in the College Classroom
- Starting a Conversation about Mental Health
- Teaching Strategies that Support Student Well-Being
- Three Strategies that Support Student Mental Health
- Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Assess Student Learning
Reflect on, Evaluate, and Improve Teaching
- Getting Feedback You Can Use video series
- Which Teaching Practices are (and aren’t) Supported by Pedagogical Literature?
- Eight Innovative Uses for Multiple Choice Questions
- Online Team Activities and Assignments
- Rubrics, Grading, and Feedback
- Teaching with Collaborative Writing
- Transparent Assignment Design
- Why aren’t They Engaged Examining and Responding to Student Disengagement
- Writing Effective Multiple Choice Questions
All Recorded Webinars
- AI and ChatGPT in Your Fall Teaching
- Active Lecturing in Person or Online
- Active Lecturing video series
- Be Present Online: Communication With Students
- Building Community and Maintaining Motivation
- Centering Access & Inclusion
- Designing Engaging Media for Effective E-Learning Experiences
- Design Teaching & Learning that Supports Student Mental Health
- Discussions That Engage All Students
- Eight Innovative Uses for Multiple Choice Questions
- Facilitating Student Engagement in Synchronous Zoom Session
- Fostering an Asset-minded and Inclusive Community
- Finalizing Your Learning-Centered Accessible Syllabus
- Getting Feedback You Can Use video series
- Honoring Neurodiversity: Planning for Effective Accessible Learning
- Last Minute Syllabus Tweaks
- Learning Sciences Research: Well-supported & Actionable Strategies
- Making a Good First Impression: Planning a Successful First Day of Class
- Maximizing Student Learning While Minimizing Cognitive Load
- Mitigating the Mid-Semester Doldrums
- Online Team Activities and Assignments
- Planning Flexibility for Accessibility in your Teaching
- Presentations That Stick
- Recognizing and Embracing Linguistic Diversity in the College Classroom
- Reframing Participation
- Rubrics, Grading, and Feedback
- Small Teaching Changes in Times of Burnout video series
- Starting a Conversation about Mental Health
- Strategies for Online Discussion Forums
- Supporting Content Delivery and Student Interactions
- TA Workshop: Facilitating Synchronous Small Group Problem Solving and Labs
- TA Workshop: Facilitating Synchronous Student Discussions
- Teaching with Collaborative Writing
- Teaching Strategies that Support Student Well-Being
- Three Ideas for Exemplary Online Teaching
- Three Strategies that Support Student Mental Health
- Transparent Assignment Design
- Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- Vocal Strategies to Improve Clarity in Teaching
- Which Teaching Practices are (and aren’t) Supported by Pedagogical Literature?
- Why aren’t They Engaged Examining and Responding to Student Disengagement
- Writing Effective Multiple Choice Questions