
Wednesday, August 14

Time: 1:00 pm

This event is part of the Teaching of Enrichment Series.

Discussions are a traditional teaching/learning method that ideally promote active learning, peer learning, critical thinking, and problem solving. In this session learn how to structure discussions effectively to meet these important goals.

Wednesday, August 21

Time: 11:00 am

This event is part of the Teaching of Enrichment Series.

Students and instructors feel more stress now than ever before. Join us to explore concrete, empirically-based strategies that support student mental health and well-being. We will discuss how you can reduce stress in your educational setting, including areas of course climate and belonging, pedagogical strategies, managing cognitive load, and planning your course policies in the future.

Time: 12:00 pm

This event is part of the Teaching of Enrichment Series.

Are you new to Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and wondering how to integrate them into your fall courses? In this workshop, participants will consider how Generative AI tools align with their teaching goals, how they might leverage these tools for assignments, and how course policies like academic integrity may need to be reconsidered. The workshop will also outline a range of potential risks and ethical implications when using AI tools. We'll discuss issues related to bias, privacy, copyright, and misinformation, while exploring opportunities for students to build new AI literacies.

Thursday, August 22

Time: 10:00 am

This event is part of the Teaching of Enrichment Series.

In this webinar, we'll focus on sharpening your skills in student assessment and feedback. Facilitators will share effective practices for student assessment with a focus on using Canvas to set clear grading expectations and offer constructive feedback. We'll also explore how generative AI tools can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your assessment strategies.

Time: 1:00 pm

This event is part of the Teaching of Enrichment Series.

In this interactive online session, new teaching assistants will be introduced to university resources for teaching, and will reflect on and discuss teaching strategies, roles, and responsibilities. Participants will be introduced to key policies around FERPA*, working with students with disabilities, and responsibilities in reporting Title IX violations, among others. All participants will learn from each other by talking through responses to potential challenging moments in the classroom.

Note: For comprehensive FERPA training contact Academic Support Resources.

Wednesday, September 11

Time: 11:00 am

Grading exams and problem sets can quickly consume your life, but it doesn't have to! In this hands-on webinar for teaching assistants, participants will learn how to effectively use rubrics and answer keys to save time and be more consistent in their grading.

Monday, September 23

Time: 3:30 pm

Designing and Delivering Online Learning will help you explore and make plans to implement effective pedagogical practices in your online courses. This four module seminar is open to faculty and instructors systemwide and will be delivered completely online, making use of Canvas activities and incorporating Zoom. The four Zoom meetings will be held on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 pm between September 23 and October 24, 2024. You can expect to spend between 10 and 15 hours on seminar activities during the entirety of the program.