Our chosen title is "Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning," an e-copy of which is available through each campus's library. Individuals can expect to learn about the origins of AI, generative AI’s impacts on education, and new strategies and ideas that impact cognition and learning.
Generative AI is impacting higher education and challenging our communities to learn, collaborate, and change on a near daily basis. That is a lot for any one person to navigate and unpack on their own, much less the busy researcher, lecturer, or administrator. You are not alone! Join other staff, researchers, and faculty members in exploring generative AI by participating in a low-stakes, no guilt book club.
For each of the three sessions (Thinking with AI, Teaching with AI, and Learning with AI), we’ll begin with a short overview of the chapters, hear from special guests, and then discuss our reactions and suggestions in breakout room discussions. Participants will also be able to help curate reading lists, system-wide and local resources, and develop strategies for working with AI.
If you prefer a hard copy, this book is also available to purchase at a 30% discount via the AAC&U (American Association of Colleges and Universities) website. All five campuses are members of AAC&U; you will need to create an account in order to get the discount code if you have not yet done so.
Everyone is welcome to join the discussions, regardless of how much of the book you have (or have not!) read.
September 25 from 1:00-2:00 pm: Part I - Thinking with AI
October 16 from 1:00-2:00 pm: Part II - Teaching with AI
November 6 from1:00-2:00 pm: Part III - Learning with AI
Who can attend?
This program is open to everyone (faculty, staff and graduate students) across the University System. E-books are available at your campus library.
Mary Jetter ([email protected]), CEI
Adam Brisk ([email protected]), UMD-ITSS
Co-sponsored by the Center for Educational Innovation, UMD’s ITSS Academic Technology and Course Design, and the UMN Artificial Intelligence Community of Practice.