Create Authentic Assessments

Create authentic assessments for students to demonstrate their ability to apply and work with the knowledge they have acquired. Since they reflect real-world challenges, authentic assessments are more likely to interest and motivate students than traditional assessments. 

Attributes of authentic assessments

  • are realistic
  • require judgment and innovation
  • ask the student to “do” the subject
  • replicate or simulate the contexts in which professionals and community members work in real life
  • assess the student’s ability to apply a repertoire of knowledge and skills to negotiate a complex task
  • allow appropriate opportunities to rehearse, practice, consult resources, and get feedback on and refine performances and products

Examples of authentic assessments

From Indiana University Bloomington Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning
Discipline Authentic Assessment Example
Nursing Provide a case study of a patient and ask students to assess and create a plan of care.
Business Develop a business/marketing/sales plan for an imaginary (or real) company in a student's area of interest.
Computer Science Troubleshoot a problematic piece of code; Develop a website/app to solve a particular problem and/or meet a set of criteria.
Psychology Examine/critique a case study from multiple theoretical positions.
Public Affairs or Service Learning Courses Consider how a community agency might be impacted by a particular challenge (budget cuts, infrastructure outage, public health crisis, etc.).
Biology Draw a diagram of how a process works, indicating what happens if X occurs.
History Engage in a role play of a particular event in history; Describe what might have happened if one element of a historical event had changed.